We are excited to share that Tandem Health has been featured in Vårdfokus, Sweden's premier newspaper for nurses. This coverage showcases how our ambient scribe solution is being used by nurses, to improve their efficiency and quality of patient care provided.
In the article titled "Here, the AI assistant writes the medical notes: 'We now have time for more patient consultations'", nurses from Högsbo's primary care center share their experiences using Tandem. The article emphasizes how our solution has improved their documentation processes, allowing nurses to focus more on patient care and less on administrative tasks.
"We introduced this primarily to enhance the work environment, making everyday tasks easier for our doctors and nurses", says Jessica Bergerheim, a nurse at Högsboläkarna.
"The AI reduces stress. The other day, despite a fully booked schedule, I still managed to go home on time, something I couldn't do before", shares Sofia Sallander, another nurse from Högsboläkarna.
The testimonials underscore the primary motivation behind adopting our technology — improving the daily workflow and reducing burnout among clinicians. This enables both a significant improvement in work-life balance and overall job satisfaction. Further, the article discusses the broader implications of integrating AI into healthcare, noting that such technology not only saves time but also ensures more accurate and comprehensive patient records. This leads to better patient outcomes and enhances the overall quality of care provided.
"We have seen that the AI is good at understanding people who don't have Swedish as their mother tongue, which can sometimes be difficult and time-consuming for a secretary to transcribe", says Jessica Bergerheim on the additional safety benefits.
We are honored by this recognition from Vårdfokus, and are excited about continuing to contribute to driving the evolution of healthcare in Sweden and beyond. For more details, read the full article on Vårdfokus' website: Here, the AI assistant writes the medical notes.